Bold creativity: how easy it is to come up with breakthrough ideas

Today, in a highly competitive environment, being able to come up with bold and unconventional ideas is a critical skill for those involved in communication, design, and beyond. Knowledge of creative techniques and frameworks will help anyone who wants to move their business forward.

Over the course of the month, you’ll break down what separates bold ideas from ordinary ideas, how to come up with them, and how to keep them in the process. You’ll go through a week-long sprint during which you’ll develop ideas from real-life briefs and present the best one to the marketing team. In the final sessions you will learn how to make a competitive portfolio and enrich your portfolio with concepts from the practical part of the course.


Week 1. What makes creative bold
We get to know each other, divide into teams, and study the briefs.
We’ll analyze what distinguishes a bold idea from an ordinary one and what they are
We will analyze recent global case studies, break down trends, and discuss how to apply them to our work.
Practice: collecting a bank of bold ideas.

Week 2. How to come up with lots of bold ideas
We will study methodology of idea development and creative techniques
understand what helps and what hinders creative thinking
practice: we’ll do a little research that will form the basis of your bold ideas

Week 3. Creative Sprint: How to Create Bold Ideas in Practice
we’ll think up lots of daring ideas in teams, using frameworks and creative techniques
consider the criteria for evaluating and selecting ideas, the methodology for refining them, and the form of their presentation to the client
We will discuss how to present ideas and negotiate with the client

Week 4. How not to lose a bold idea in the process of implementation and how to create a competitive portfolio
We will discuss what can go wrong at the idea stages and what we need to do to prevent it
We will analyze what a strong portfolio is and what employers look for
We will learn how to choose and present a job, and how to tell about yourself and your skills
we will talk about CVs, cover letters, and employment
practice: we will analyze examples of portfolios and identify principles that apply
we’ll end the course with a Q & A session, where we’ll answer the remaining questions.