Web Design Mistakes To Avoid

The web design world is constantly looking for new ways to stand out from the competition. Designers are experimenting, trying to bring something unique to each project. However, in an effort to innovate, they often overlook the basic principles of creating user-friendly and effective websites. 

One area where design innovation meets user satisfaction is in the creation of websites for European casinos, where the blend of aesthetics and functionality is crucial for attracting and retaining visitors. Below are common mistakes that can reduce the quality of a website and degrade its user experience.

Stop Using Sliders

Sliders at first glance seem to be an effective way to showcase multiple products or services on a single page. However, analysis of user behaviour shows that most of them do not interact with sliders, ignoring the information after the first slide. 

This not only reduces the effectiveness of such an element, but also increases page load time, which is critical for mobile users. Instead of using sliders, it is recommended to:

  • Highlight one key offer or product with a clear call to action.
  • Use static images with minimal text to convey the message quickly.
  • Consider alternative ways of presenting content, such as product or service cards.

Applying these alternatives will help improve user interaction with the site and increase conversion rates.

Incorrect Organisation of Navigation

A key element of any website is its navigation. It should be intuitive and accessible on all pages of the site. Common mistakes in the organisation of navigation include:

  • Hidden navigation: Having to perform additional actions to display it can put users off.
  • Unintuitive icons: Using non-standard icons can confuse users.
  • Overloaded menus: Too many items in the navigation makes it difficult to understand.

To ensure the usability of the site, it is important to ensure that the navigation is simple and clear to the user.

Forms and Buttons

Forms should be simple and intuitive. Too many fields to fill out can deter potential customers or cause the form to be filled out incorrectly. 

Clear field captions and a logical form structure will help the user enter the required data quickly and without error. Action buttons should be prominent and clearly labelled so that the user can easily understand what action is expected of them.

Horizontal Scrolling and Opaque Overlays

Horizontal scrolling and the use of opaque overlays can be a major obstacle for users. These design elements can make a site not only awkward to use, but also reduce the accessibility of content. 

This is especially true for mobile device users, for whom any unconventional navigation solutions may cause them to abandon further exploration of the site. П

When developing design, it is important to remember that the main purpose of any website is to provide information, not to demonstrate design experiments at the expense of user convenience.

Text Alignment

To ensure that the text on your website is highly readable, you should avoid centring or width-aligning it, especially when there is a large amount of information. 

Text is best understood when it is left-aligned, as this ensures that the beginning of each line is uniform, making it easier to read. Important aspects of text layout:

  • Use short paragraphs and divide text into sections with subheadings to improve structure.
  • Pay attention to font size and line spacing to make the text comfortable to read.
  • Highlight key words or phrases in bold to draw attention to the main points.

Applying these principles will make the text on your website not only easy to read, but also more appealing to the user.

Web Design Standards

Adhering to web design standards ensures that controls are recognisable to users, making it much easier to navigate the site. Violating these standards can lead to confusion and a poorer user experience. Important standards to follow:

  • Logo placement: The logo is usually placed in the upper left corner and serves as a link to the home page.
  • Search form: Should be easily accessible and recognisable, preferably located at the top of the page.
  • Navigation Menu: Located at the top of the site helps users to quickly find the sections they are looking for.

Remember that good design does not always mean “original” design. Often adherence to accepted standards is much more important in creating a user-friendly and functional website.


When creating a website, it is important to remember that its main purpose is to provide convenient and efficient access to information or services. By avoiding the mistakes listed above, you will greatly improve the user experience, which will have a positive impact on the perception of your brand and increase conversions. 

It’s always worth testing with real users to understand which design elements work best and what needs to be improved.


Can I use several fonts on one page?

Answer: Yes, you can, but it is recommended to limit yourself to 2-3 fonts in order to maintain design consistency and text readability.

Is it necessary to make a mobile version of the site?

Answer: Yes, in today’s world, having a mobile version of the site is essential for user convenience and increased audience reach.

Does the loading speed of a website affect SEO?

Answer: Yes, website loading speed is an important search engine ranking factor and can affect the visibility of your website in search engine rankings.