Three main differences between web design and graphic design

The professions of graphic designer and web designer are often confused, but for someone who wants to enter one of these fields, it is important to understand their differences.

Both specialists – graphic designer and web designer – work on visuals, both know the basics of design: they understand composition, graphics, and fonts. However, they have different goals, tools and ways to interact with users. In this piece, we’ll list the differences between a web designer and a graphic designer.

Difference #1. A web designer works with interaction
What is the difference between a web designer and a graphic designer? First of all, by the fact that the former is much more focused on user interaction with the design.

Difference #2. For a graphic designer, adaptability is not as important
The difference is that a graphic designer works more often with a specific task, it is not so important for him to make graphics suitable for different types of electronic devices at the same time. The image has to look equally good on different media: on a billboard, a mug, a business card, an app, etc.

Difference #3. The web designer has more feedback
Web design and graphic design are two different ways of organizing work. A graphic designer most often works on projects: after completing one, he or she starts a new one. He rarely receives feedback on his product from users.

What do the web and graphic designer have in common?
Both graphic designer and web designer should have good communication skills: work in a team, ask the right questions, give feedback. In this way, the graphic designer will find the best visual solution to the business problem, and the web designer will collaborate with the development team to produce a user-friendly and effective design.

Another similarity between web and graphic designer is that both of these professionals can work remotely, searching for orders in a similar way. Also, both of these professions are in demand and promising.

If you have figured out what the difference between a web designer and a graphic designer, but still not sure which direction to choose, take a look at the basic courses. For example, a program on Adobe Photoshop will give you the basic knowledge that all designers need. At the first stage of training, the differences between web and graphic design are not so significant, and when you start practice, you will be able to make a more conscious choice of specialization.